Wednesday, December 11, 2019

As we approach the end of 2019... I just want to say one thing, above all: THANK YOU. Thank you all for your support, for your love, for your kindness and generosity. Thank you to this life for showing me that there is good in the world and, moving forward, for making me want to slow down and be a greater part of that goodness. There was a television show years ago, in which Oprah Winfrey spoke about her relationship with the great Maya Angelou. And Oprah explained how, in the darkest and most depressing moments of her life, she would call Maya, her mentor, and the beautiful, brilliant writer would tell her "Stop it. Stop that crying. Say 'Thank You' for what you are going through. Because this too shall pass. That is faith." Faith in yourself, faith in others, faith in God or Karma or the Universe, call it what you will. Because it is true that even in the darkest moments of your life, there is hope. Even when you think you can't go on, you can, and you will. We are made of the same stuff as the stars, and we will survive. I pray for all of us, and all of you, in the coming year of 2020 -- may you find love, and happiness, and success, and wellness in all things. May God -- or whoever's in charge -- bless us, every one. Merry Christmas. Raise a toast.

Monday, December 2, 2019

2019 -- We Hardly Knew Ye!

Am I the only person in Dayton who is ready to say goodbye to the year 2019?